OS updates in Tectonic are handled by the Container Linux Update Operator. There is more information available from this blog post: https://coreos.com/blog/introducing-container-linux-update-operator
Automatic updates are considered to be a core part of the Tectonic/CoreOS philosophy. While it is possible to disable updates/reboots it is not suggested that you do so. Setting the an node label `container-linux-update.v1.coreos.com/reboot-paused` to true will disable automatic reboots of Container Linux nodes
$ kubectl get nodes
kylebrown-master-0 Ready 22h
kylebrown-worker-0 Ready 22h
kylebrown-worker-1 Ready 22h
kylebrown-worker-2 Ready 22h
$ kubectl label nodes kylebrown-worker-0 container-linux-update.v1.coreos.com/reboot-paused=true
This one-liner will apply this to all nodes returned by `kubectl get nodes`:
$ kubectl get nodes | awk '{ if (NR!=1) { print $1 }}' | while read line; do kubectl label nodes $line container-linux-update.v1.coreos.com/reboot-paused=true; done
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