If you are having trouble logging in to account.coreos.com, start by performing a password reset.
Click "Log in with Email", and you will find the "Reset Password" link above the password entry field.
Our account site uses Dex for authentication, which keeps session information in the URL. Occasionally, this can result in an invalid session token that prevents a login even with valid credentials.
If you have reset your password and are still having issues logging in, or if you have received the "Oh no! Something went wrong" error, follow these steps:
1) Open an incognito browser, or clear cookies and cache.
2) Visit account.coreos.com. If you have no related cookies or cache it will direct you to "Create your CoreOS account"
3) Click the "Log in" link presented as "Already have an account? Log in"
4) Complete login as expected. This process should eliminate the possibility of a mismatched session token.
Still having trouble logging in to account.coreos.com? Email support@coreos.com to create a support ticket, and our engineers will assist you.
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