#!/bin/bash -e # Select which Docker version to use on CoreOS with torcx. # Specify the available Docker version to enable. version=17.09 # Create modifiable torcx paths if they don't exist already. mkdir -p /etc/torcx/profiles /var/lib/torcx/store # Download the torcx manifest file for the currently running OS version. . /usr/share/coreos/release manifest="$COREOS_RELEASE_BOARD/$COREOS_RELEASE_VERSION/torcx_manifest.json" wget -P /tmp "$manifest".asc "$manifest" # Verify its signature with the CoreOS application signing key. export GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d) trap 'rm -fr "$GNUPGHOME"' EXIT gpg2 --keyserver --recv-keys 18AD5014C99EF7E3BA5F6CE950BDD3E0FC8A365E gpg2 --verify /tmp/torcx_manifest.json.asc /tmp/torcx_manifest.json # Download the selected Docker image at its URL in the manifest. wget -P /var/lib/torcx/store $(jq -r ".value.packages[] | select(.name == \"docker\") | .versions[] | select(.version == \"${version}\") | .locations[] | select(.url).url" < /tmp/torcx_manifest.json) test "x$(jq -r ".value.packages[] | select(.name == \"docker\") | .versions[] | select(.version == \"${version}\") | .hash" < /tmp/torcx_manifest.json)" = "xsha512-$(sha512sum "/var/lib/torcx/store/docker:${version}.torcx.tgz" | sed 's/ .*//')" # Write a new profile named "docker" that selects the desired version on boot. sed "s/$version/g" /usr/share/torcx/profiles/vendor.json > /etc/torcx/profiles/docker.json echo docker > /etc/torcx/next-profile # Reboot to start using the new version. reboot
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